Return to BDAT index
1 Nurturing a Great Tree
2 Prone Hunting Prowess
3 Kepha Holly Characteristics
4 Tatsu's Whereabouts
5 Tatsu Sighting
6 Yelv's Partner
7 Yelv's Partner
8 Neraph's Hypersteel Refining Method
9 The Commander's Night Post
10 ITM_INFO_010_Name
11 Candidate Info 1
12 Candidate Info 2
13 Candidate Info 3
14 ITM_INFO_014_Name
15 ITM_INFO_015_Name
16 ITM_INFO_016_Name
17 ITM_INFO_017_Name
18 Gerome's Hangout
19 ITM_INFO_019_Name
20 ITM_INFO_020_Name
21 Aerozium Location
22 Sniper Info
23 Ma-non Assistance
24 Ma-non Assistance
25 Curry Recipe
26 Peking Duck Recipe
27 Potluck Hot Pot Recipe
28 Definian Code
29 Ngogo's Recipe
30 Pirapira's Recipe
31 Warawa's Recipe
32 ITM_INFO_032_Name
33 ITM_INFO_033_Name
34 ITM_INFO_034_Name
35 Case Clue 1
36 Case Clue 2
37 Case Clue 3
38 ITM_INFO_038_Name
39 ITM_INFO_039_Name
40 ITM_INFO_040_Name
41 ITM_INFO_041_Name
42 Aisha's Hangout
43 ITM_INFO_043_Name
44 ITM_INFO_044_Name
45 ITM_INFO_045_Name
46 Sniper Sighting 1
47 Sniper Sighting 2
48 Sniper Sighting 3
49 ITM_INFO_049_Name
50 Bomb-Squad School
51 Ma-non Assistance
52 Sun'celeg Sighting
53 Sun'celeg Sighting
54 Celica's Whereabouts
55 Rock's Whereabouts
56 ITM_INFO_056_Name
57 ITM_INFO_057_Name
58 ITM_INFO_058_Name
59 ITM_INFO_059_Name
60 ITM_INFO_060_Name
61 ITM_INFO_061_Name
62 Knowledge from the Grave
63 Knowledge from the Grave
64 Knowledge from the Grave
65 Activity Log
66 Wanderer Info 1
67 Wanderer Info 2
68 Wanderer Info 3
69 Huge Thing Info
70 Huge Thing Info
71 Huge Thing Info
72 Huge Thing Info
73 Senirapa Water Hint
74 ITM_INFO_074_Name
75 White Whale Crash-Landing Info 1
76 White Whale Crash-Landing Info 2
77 White Whale Crash-Landing Info 3
78 Remote Island Info
79 Cockroach Info
80 ITM_INFO_080_Name
81 ITM_INFO_081_Name
82 ITM_INFO_082_Name
83 ITM_INFO_083_Name
84 ITM_INFO_084_Name
85 ITM_INFO_085_Name
86 Research Data
87 Lan'cord's Hangout
88 Treasure Info
89 ITM_INFO_089_Name
90 ITM_INFO_090_Name
91 ITM_INFO_091_Name
92 ITM_INFO_092_Name
93 ITM_INFO_093_Name
94 Heart-to-Heart Info
95 Fleeing Female Info 1
96 Fleeing Female Info 2
97 Fleeing Female Info 3
98 Missing Person Info
99 ITM_INFO_099_Name
100 Helicopter Repair Tip
101 Tyrant Info
102 Tyrant Info
103 Treasure Info
104 Treasure Info
105 Treasure Info
106 Tyrant Info
107 Tyrant Info
108 Treasure Info
109 Tyrant Info
110 Tyrant Info
111 Treasure Info
112 Treasure Info
113 Treasure Info
114 Treasure Info
115 Treasure Info
116 Tyrant Info
117 Treasure Info
118 Treasure Info
119 Tyrant Info
120 Treasure Info
121 Treasure Info
122 Tyrant Info
123 Tyrant Info
124 Tyrant Info
125 Tyrant Info
126 Treasure Info
127 Tyrant Info
128 Tyrant Info
129 Tyrant Info
130 Tyrant Info
131 Tyrant Info
132 Tyrant Info
133 Tyrant Info
134 Tyrant Info
135 Treasure Info
136 Treasure Info
137 Tyrant Info
138 Treasure Info
139 Treasure Info
140 Treasure Info
141 Tyrant Info
142 Treasure Info
143 Treasure Info
144 Treasure Info
145 Treasure Info
146 Treasure Info
147 ITM_INFO_147_Name
148 ITM_INFO_148_Name
149 ITM_INFO_149_Name
150 Mission Info
151 Tyrant Info
152 Tyrant Info
153 Treasure Info
154 Tyrant Info
155 Tyrant Info
156 Tyrant Info
157 Tyrant Info
158 Tyrant Info
159 Tyrant Info
160 Treasure Info
161 Tyrant Info
162 Treasure Info
163 Treasure Info
164 Treasure Info
165 Treasure Info
166 Treasure Info
167 Tyrant Info
168 Treasure Info
169 Tyrant Info
170 Treasure Info
171 Tyrant Info
172 Tyrant Info
173 Treasure Info
174 Tyrant Info
175 Treasure Info
176 Tyrant Info
177 Treasure Info
178 Tyrant Info
179 Treasure Info
180 Treasure Info
181 Treasure Info
182 Tyrant Info
183 Treasure Info
184 Tyrant Info
185 Treasure Info
186 Treasure Info
187 Tyrant Info
188 Treasure Info
189 Tyrant Info
190 Treasure Info
191 Tyrant Info
192 Tyrant Info
193 Tyrant Info
194 Treasure Info
195 Treasure Info
196 Treasure Info
197 Tyrant Info
198 Treasure Info
199 Tyrant Info
200 Treasure Info
201 Tyrant Info
202 Tyrant Info
203 Treasure Info
204 Tyrant Info
205 Treasure Info
206 Treasure Info
207 Tyrant Info
208 Tyrant Info
209 Treasure Info
210 Tyrant Info
211 Tyrant Info
212 Tyrant Info
213 Treasure Info
214 Treasure Info
215 Treasure Info
216 Tyrant Info
217 Tyrant Info
218 Treasure Info
219 Treasure Info
220 Tyrant Info
221 Treasure Info
222 Treasure Info
223 Tyrant Info
224 Treasure Info
225 Tyrant Info
226 Treasure Info
227 Tyrant Info
228 Treasure Info
229 Tyrant Info
230 Treasure Info
231 Treasure Info
232 Treasure Info
233 Tyrant Info
234 Tyrant Info
235 Treasure Info
236 Tyrant Info
237 Treasure Info
238 Tyrant Info
239 Treasure Info
240 Treasure Info
241 Treasure Info
242 Tyrant Info
243 Treasure Info
244 Treasure Info
245 Tyrant Info
246 Treasure Info
247 Treasure Info
248 Treasure Info
249 Tyrant Info
250 Treasure Info
251 Treasure Info
252 Treasure Info
253 Treasure Info
254 Tyrant Info
255 Tyrant Info
256 Tyrant Info
257 Tyrant Info
258 Treasure Info
259 Tyrant Info
260 Tyrant Info
261 Treasure Info
262 Tyrant Info
263 Treasure Info
264 Treasure Info
265 Treasure Info
266 Treasure Info
267 Tyrant Info
268 Tyrant Info
269 Treasure Info
270 Tyrant Info
271 Tyrant Info
272 Treasure Info
273 Treasure Info
274 Treasure Info
275 Tyrant Info
276 Treasure Info
277 Treasure Info
278 Tyrant Info
279 Tyrant Info
280 Tyrant Info
281 Treasure Info
282 Treasure Info
283 Tyrant Info
284 Treasure Info
285 Tyrant Info
286 Treasure Info
287 Tyrant Info
288 Treasure Info
289 Tyrant Info
290 Treasure Info
291 Tyrant Info
292 Treasure Info
293 Treasure Info
294 Treasure Info
295 Treasure Info
296 Treasure Info
297 Treasure Info
298 Tyrant Info
299 Treasure Info
300 Treasure Info
301 Tyrant Info
302 Tyrant Info
303 Tyrant Info
304 Treasure Info
305 Tyrant Info
306 Treasure Info
307 Treasure Info
308 Treasure Info
309 Tyrant Info
310 Treasure Info
311 Tyrant Info
312 Tyrant Info
313 Treasure Info
314 Treasure Info
315 Treasure Info
316 Treasure Info
317 Treasure Info
318 Treasure Info
319 Treasure Info
320 Treasure Info
321 Treasure Info
322 ITM_INFO_343_Name
323 ITM_INFO_344_Name
324 ITM_INFO_345_Name
325 ITM_INFO_346_Name
326 ITM_INFO_347_Name
327 ITM_INFO_348_Name
328 ITM_INFO_349_Name
329 ITM_INFO_350_Name
330 ITM_INFO_351_Name
331 Heart-to-Heart Info
332 Mission Info
333 Mission Info
334 Mission Info
335 Heart-to-Heart Info
336 Mission Info
337 Mission Info
338 Heart-to-Heart Info
339 Mission Info
340 Heart-to-Heart Info
341 Heart-to-Heart Info
342 Mission Info
343 Heart-to-Heart Info
344 Heart-to-Heart Info
345 Mission Info
346 Heart-to-Heart Info
347 Mission Info
348 Mission Info
349 Mission Info
350 Treasure Info
351 Mission Info
352 Mission Info
353 Affinity Info
354 Heart-to-Heart Info
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370 Treasure Info
371 Mission Info
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374 Treasure Info
375 Mission Info
376 Mission Info
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378 Heart-to-Heart Info
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380 Affinity Info
381 Mission Info
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383 Heart-to-Heart Info
384 Mission Info
385 Mission Info
386 Mission Info
387 Mission Info
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391 Treasure Info
392 Affinity Info
393 Mission Info
394 Heart-to-Heart Info
395 Affinity Info
396 Mission Info
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399 Heart-to-Heart Info
400 Mission Info
401 Mission Info
402 Mission Info
403 Mission Info
404 Mission Info
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407 Mission Info
408 Mission Info
409 Mission Info
410 Mission Info
411 Mission Info
412 ITM_INFO_433_Name
413 Treasure Info
414 ITM_INFO_435_Name
415 ITM_INFO_436_Name
416 ITM_INFO_437_Name
417 Heart-to-Heart Info
418 ITM_INFO_439_Name
419 Heart-to-Heart Info
420 ITM_INFO_441_Name
421 ITM_INFO_442_Name
422 Mission Info
423 ITM_INFO_444_Name
424 ITM_INFO_445_Name
425 ITM_INFO_446_Name
426 ITM_INFO_447_Name
427 ITM_INFO_448_Name
428 Mechanical Skill
429 Mechanical Skill
430 Mechanical Skill
431 Mechanical Skill
432 Biological Skill
433 Biological Skill
434 Biological Skill
435 Biological Skill
436 Archaeological Skill
437 Archaeological Skill
438 Archaeological Skill
439 Archaeological Skill
440 Tyrant Info
441 Tyrant Info
442 Treasure Info
443 Heart-to-Heart Info
444 Mission Info
445 Heart-to-Heart Info
446 ITM_INFO_504_Name
447 Heart-to-Heart Info
448 Heart-to-Heart Info
449 Mission Info
450 Heart-to-Heart Info
451 Heart-to-Heart Info
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454 Heart-to-Heart Info
455 ITM_INFO_513_Name
456 Mission Info
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461 Heart-to-Heart Info
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465 Mission Info
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467 Mission Info
468 Lyvia Sighting
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470 Affinity Info
471 Heart-to-Heart Info
472 Affinity Info
473 Mission Info
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479 ITM_INFO_537_Name
480 Mission Info
481 Mission Info
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486 Treasure Info
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489 Treasure Info
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493 Treasure Info
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498 Mission Info
499 Mission Info
500 Mission Info
501 Mission Info
502 Mission Info
503 Heart-to-Heart Info
504 Mission Info
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506 Heart-to-Heart Info
507 Mission Info
508 Treasure Info
509 ITM_INFO_567_Name
510 Mission Info
511 Mission Info
512 Mission Info
513 Heart-to-Heart Info
514 Mission Info
515 Mission Info
516 ITM_INFO_574_Name
517 ITM_INFO_575_Name
518 Mission Info
519 Mission Info
520 Affinity Info
521 Heart-to-Heart Info
522 Heart-to-Heart Info
523 Heart-to-Heart Info
524 ITM_INFO_582_Name
525 Mission Info
526 Sap from a special tree in Sylvalum can aid[ST:n ]the Great Tree's growth.
527 Traditional hunting knowledge passed down[ST:n ]by the Prone since antiquity.
528 The simius domesticated by the Cavern Clan[ST:n ]possess a weakness to kepha holly.
529 Tatsu has headed for the Forgotten Mining[ST:n ]Frigates in Cauldros.
530 Tatsu has returned to the BLADE barracks.
531 Evidence of Yelv's partner can be found in[ST:n ]Oblivia's East Ibra Ravine.
532 Evidence of Yelv's partner can be found near[ST:n ]Oblivia's Lake Basel.
533 Neraph's top-secret method for refining a[ST:n ]super-hard type of steel.
534 Vandham can be found in BLADE Tower[ST:n ]at night.
535 ITM_INFO_010_Caption
536 The ideal xenoform representative is an[ST:n ]Orphean who is willing to lend an ear to the[ST:n ]opinions of other races.
537 The ideal xenoform representative is an[ST:n ]Orphean who is sharp-witted and logical.
538 The ideal xenoform representative is an[ST:n ]Orphean who is selfless and free from[ST:n ]monetary lust.
539 ITM_INFO_014_Caption
540 ITM_INFO_015_Caption
541 ITM_INFO_016_Caption
542 ITM_INFO_017_Caption
543 So that guy sitting in the lowest strata beneath[ST:n ]Deliverance Park—is that Gerome? What could[ST:n ]he possibly be doing down there?
544 ITM_INFO_019_Caption
545 ITM_INFO_020_Caption
546 Aerozium trade is run by the Dorian Caravan[ST:n ]over in Oblivia.
547 A witness to the Ma-non sniping incident saw[ST:n ]the beam shot from Bedrock Hold.
548 Thanks to the Ma-non, materials we had[ST:n ]trouble refining are now easier to obtain.
549 The Ma-non arms manufacturing firm of[ST:n ]Candid & Credible is lending a helping hand[ST:n ]by making equipment for humans.
550 Instructions for making a secret blend of[ST:n ]fiery homemade curry.
551 A secret recipe for Peking duck.
552 Directions for a wacky sort of stew.
553 The passcode required to enter the Definian[ST:n ]headquarters in Cauldros.
554 A recipe for Nopon royal cuisine,[ST:n ]passed down through generations of elders.
555 A recipe for a wild Nopon delicacy made of[ST:n ]smushed grass and insects.
556 A recipe for Nopon country cooking made by[ST:n ]Warawa's mamapon.
557 ITM_INFO_032_Caption
558 ITM_INFO_033_Caption
559 ITM_INFO_034_Caption
560 I heard the victim died after being shot in the[ST:n ]foot and temple! If I were you, I'd avoid[ST:n ]going anywhere alone whenever possible.
561 I heard the men who were killed were all shot[ST:n ]in the right thigh and between their eyes.[ST:n ]That's completely insane, right?[ST:n ]It has to be the work of some mad xeno!
562 The victims of the serial murderer were all[ST:n ]killed in one of the same two ways. What do[ST:n ]they have in common? And what is the[ST:n ]murderer possibly hoping to achieve?
563 ITM_INFO_038_Caption
564 ITM_INFO_039_Caption
565 ITM_INFO_040_Caption
566 ITM_INFO_041_Caption
567 The cat that always used to come here for[ST:n ]food has been spotted at Cliffside Beach.[ST:n ]She's probably gonna get eaten by some[ST:n ]monster out there!
568 ITM_INFO_043_Caption
569 ITM_INFO_044_Caption
570 ITM_INFO_045_Caption
571 I saw a man with a rifle case hurriedly[ST:n ]descending down into the hangars.[ST:n ]What was going on there?
572 I thought I saw a man with a rifle case[ST:n ]rushing into the garage, and a moment[ST:n ]later, a Skell flew out of it! I lost sight of it[ST:n ]near the industrial district.
573 An unidentified Skell ran through here at[ST:n ]high speed and broke through the gate.[ST:n ]I chased it for a bit, but it seemed like that[ST:n ]thing was rushing off to Sylvalum.
574 ITM_INFO_049_Caption
575 I'm gonna teach you how to disarm a bomb.[ST:n ]If you remember this well, you'll be able to[ST:n ]survive having a time bomb strapped to you![ST:n ]Er, not that you want... Anyway, let's begin.
576 Ma-non technology quickly fixed up a broken[ST:n ]mimeosome, saving a life.
577 A human female with an insect-like xeno in[ST:n ]tow. Last seen heading to the east gate.
578 The woman dragging the xenoform stole a[ST:n ]vehicle low on fuel and drove off for Oblivia.
579 Celica went to BLADE Tower to see Vandham.
580 Rock was sighted in front of the BLADE[ST:n ]barracks. He seems to be searching for Celica.
581 ITM_INFO_056_Caption
582 ITM_INFO_057_Caption
583 ITM_INFO_058_Caption
584 ITM_INFO_059_Caption
585 ITM_INFO_060_Caption
586 ITM_INFO_061_Caption
587 \"Our treasure is bane to any wall,[ST:n ]able to harm or heal one and all—193.\"
588 \"Our treasure is succor to all of the poor,[ST:n ]a flame that incinerates all evermore—128.\"
589 \"Our treasure alone is fit to awaken the way[ST:n ]to a world that is long forsaken—1986.\"
590 A log detailing the activity of Law's Skell.[ST:n ]Everything up until it was wrecked is recorded.
591 Did Wanderer Bobora get to Drongo[ST:n ]Caravan safely? Everyone say there lots[ST:n ]of scary things that way.
592 Wanderer Bobora has returned to Oblivia.[ST:n ]He was all excited, saying \"it surely at[ST:n ]Beehive Rock!\" ...Whatever that mean.
593 Does friend know if Wanderer Bobora[ST:n ]find what he search for? He said he go back[ST:n ]to Sylvalum one more time, so maybe not.
594 Whatever huge thing was, it sound like it was[ST:n ]really, REALLY huge!
595 It picked up cargo with wiggly-woobly arms[ST:n ]and legs and then swooped off!
596 It has to be slithery snitching snake of rumors![ST:n ]Also, it breathe fire just like stories say.
597 It was giant bird that attacked the courier.[ST:n ]They call it jacul ire. From this angle,[ST:n ]it look like it flew south.
598 There's a lake with a special quality to its[ST:n ]water in that cave in Cauldros they call the[ST:n ]Bestial Utopia. Maybe that's the water that[ST:n ]the Orphe have been looking for?
599 ITM_INFO_074_Caption
600 That Lifehold Archive that's full of private data[ST:n ]like diaries and photos? Unfortunately that's[ST:n ]just not important enough to justify sending[ST:n ]anyone out to look for it at this point in time.
601 I wonder if the Lifehold Archive unit containing[ST:n ]people's private data is actually unit 13.[ST:n ]You know—the one Ada was looking for?
602 If you're looking for Lifehold Archive unit[ST:n ]number 13, we're confident that it crashed to[ST:n ]the north.
603 Rumor has it they've found a new piece of the[ST:n ]White Whale in Oblivia. Haven't recovered it[ST:n ]yet, but let's hope it's something good.
604 There seems to be quite the infestation of[ST:n ]blattas in Primordia. Just the thought of them[ST:n ]creeping into New LA makes my oatmeal[ST:n ]want to hit the wall.
605 ITM_INFO_080_Caption
606 ITM_INFO_081_Caption
607 ITM_INFO_082_Caption
608 ITM_INFO_083_Caption
609 ITM_INFO_084_Caption
610 ITM_INFO_085_Caption
611 Lan'cord's research data. It contains findings[ST:n ]on Ganglion weapons as well as information[ST:n ]about the Orphe and humans.
612 This data contains a simple memo indicating a[ST:n ]need to investigate northern Oblivia.
613 Big, strange turned-to-stone tree exist just south[ST:n ]of here. It full of treasure, right? It has to be![ST:n ]Nopon should load up nopopotamus and[ST:n ]claim it!
614 ITM_INFO_089_Caption
615 ITM_INFO_090_Caption
616 ITM_INFO_091_Caption
617 ITM_INFO_092_Caption
618 ITM_INFO_093_Caption
619 Dogs sure are cute! Whenever I see Lin [ST:n ]playing with one here during the day,[ST:n ]it always makes me want one of my own.
620 The woman fled toward the diner, but it was[ST:n ]so quick, I couldn't see her face. I have to[ST:n ]stay here, so I'll leave the pursuit to you!
621 A female BLADE operative just ran toward the[ST:n ]administrative district. She seemed really[ST:n ]panicked about something, so I hope[ST:n ]everything's all right...
622 Are you chasing someone? A woman from the[ST:n ]Outfitters division just went down to the lower[ST:n ]level. She looked super calm, though.
623 I just saw Ada getting advice from Hope.[ST:n ]It felt so strange to see their usual roles[ST:n ]reversed like that!
624 ITM_INFO_099_Caption
625 If you break the tail rotor on your copter,[ST:n ]you should always connect any backup system[ST:n ]to the blue wire. You got that? The BLUE wire![ST:n ]Blue! Like sadness! ...Write that down.
626 They've detected multiple heat signals in the[ST:n ]northern part of Primordia's Bedrock Hold.[ST:n ]They think it's likely a petramand nest,[ST:n ]so we need to take precautions.
627 I've heard a giant lophid has been sighted in[ST:n ]the sea surrounding the solitary island at the[ST:n ]northern tip of Primordia. I hope this doesn't[ST:n ]interfere with the Prospectors' work there.
628 A patrol helicopter crashed near Arendt Bridge[ST:n ]on Talon Rock to the north of New LA.[ST:n ]But it sounds like BLADE doesn't have the[ST:n ]manpower to recover the wreckage.
629 The Skell wreckage found on Wonderment[ST:n ]Bluff? Yeah, that's a particularly dangerous[ST:n ]area, even by the standards of Primordia.[ST:n ]Recovery may be impossible.
630 I heard they've discovered an alien container[ST:n ]near Bedrock Hold in Primordia. We ought[ST:n ]to claim that as soon as we possibly can.
631 They've learned more about that murderous[ST:n ]tyrant in Primordia. Apparently it's a saltat[ST:n ]defending a wide swath of territory centered[ST:n ]on Fallshorn Isle.
632 We saw research data that suggests all of the[ST:n ]auravises in this area could be coming from a[ST:n ]single mating pair over at Unicorn Rock.[ST:n ]If we could just find those two...
633 Danny discovered a piece of White Whale[ST:n ]wreckage in northern Primordia during his[ST:n ]final mission. We have to make sure his death[ST:n ]wasn't in vain.
634 We haven't been able to officially confirm the[ST:n ]location of the tyrant vesper, but we're pretty[ST:n ]sure it has a roost inside Talon Rock.
635 Say, you know Fallshorn Isle, right?[ST:n ]Well, that's saltat territory, and they'll attack[ST:n ]if you get anywhere near it. So unless you've[ST:n ]got urgent business there, I'd stay far away.
636 Apparently there's still Skell wreckage at the[ST:n ]Plundered Ruin to the northwest. I wonder[ST:n ]if we could salvage any usable parts from[ST:n ]the debris...
637 We found some alien wreckage north of[ST:n ]Sayram Lake. I wonder if they were wiped[ST:n ]out by indigens?
638 They found wreckage from the White Whale in[ST:n ]the northern side of the Northeast Plain near[ST:n ]Sayram Lake. They want to send BLADEs out[ST:n ]to salvage it, but can't spare the manpower.
639 I hear a piece of White Whale wreckage[ST:n ]landed in the northern part of the Silent Mire.[ST:n ]I just hope some dumb indigen hasn't torn it[ST:n ]apart already.
640 I felt terrible about having to abandon my[ST:n ]Skell south of Bedrock Hold, but if I hadn't,[ST:n ]there's no way I'd have survived.
641 You know those armored suids that have[ST:n ]been trained by the Prone? I bet the best and[ST:n ]strongest ones are kept at the Prone base.
642 Have you seen the wrecked vehicle just outside[ST:n ]New LA's east gate? That belonged to a friend[ST:n ]of mine.
643 Some debris from the White Whale fell over at[ST:n ]Sayram Lake and hasn't been recovered yet.[ST:n ]Sounds like it's a pretty tough job.
644 It seems a xiphias has found its way into[ST:n ]the shoals of Northpointe Cove. That's an[ST:n ]extremely abnormal occurrence, so we suspect[ST:n ]it might be a tyrant.
645 We found a piece of White Whale wreckage[ST:n ]on the North Janpath Plain. I wonder if it's[ST:n ]been reclaimed yet?
646 We found wreckage from an alien civilization[ST:n ]north of Janpath Lake in Primordia. I bet we[ST:n ]could learn so much if we could excavate it!
647 *fsssh* A fearsome Marnuck called Daril the[ST:n ]Eradicator is known to appear at a polluted[ST:n ]lake on a small island off of Primordia. So[ST:n ]approach there with care. Especially at night!
648 I saw a gigantic cinicula standing atop a[ST:n ]spire in Primordia's Grieving Plains. If that[ST:n ]thing ever found its way into New LA,[ST:n ]we'd all be dead [ST:Gender p1=men! p2=men! Er, and women. ]
649 We've received word that the boss of those[ST:n ]grex indigens is patrolling near the Beasts'[ST:n ]Lair in Primordia. You'd better hurry up and[ST:n ]tyrant-proof that Skell of yours!
650 Another BLADE team got attacked by that[ST:n ]potamus at Primordia's Sayram Lake?[ST:n ]Someone needs to put that thing down!
651 They found wreckage from an alien civilization[ST:n ]on Sickle Rock Rise just east of here.[ST:n ]Ooo, I'd just LOVE to dig one of those[ST:n ]puppies up and do a little research...
652 At night, I've seen what appears to be an[ST:n ]enemy mech flying around the summit of[ST:n ]Talon Rock. I sure hope that was my mind[ST:n ]playing tricks on me, but...I don't think it was.
653 My little brother went to the Silent Mire and[ST:n ]barely escaped alive. He said there's no sun[ST:n ]and it's crawling with adseculas even during[ST:n ]the day. I knew he'd get in over his head!
654 A giant balaena has been sighted over the sea[ST:n ]south of La Mancha in Primordia. The Harriers[ST:n ]are all in an uproar about it.
655 Even when you're right outside New LA,[ST:n ]you gotta stay vigilant. We've had multiple[ST:n ]reports of aggressive blattas appearing[ST:n ]after nightfall.
656 So H.B. told me that the king of all duoguills[ST:n ]lives in the pond near Roof Rock! I was like,[ST:n ]whoa! And then I was like, what's a duoguill?
657 I saw a tyrant millesaur strutting around the[ST:n ]West Janpath Plain like it owned the place.[ST:n ]They're typically a gentle species, but that[ST:n ]one seemed...different.
658 So I guess our lost companion was eaten by[ST:n ]a vicious suid on the north shore of Janpath[ST:n ]Lake? That is so so terrible...
659 A tyrant has been sighted east of New LA.[ST:n ]It can fly, so we need to be ready for it.
660 I found a weird insect mound near the Biahno[ST:n ]River. That place has some scary indigens, so[ST:n ]I don't really want to go back. ...But someone[ST:n ]should probably go check it out.
661 Debris from the White Whale has been found[ST:n ]near Headwater Summit. It's weird how we[ST:n ]hadn't explored that area yet, despite it being[ST:n ]so close.
662 While on perimeter duty, I sighted a progen[ST:n ]at Headwater Summit. 'Tis a rare sight[ST:n ]to behold around here, but if you wish[ST:n ]to challenge it, proceed with caution!
663 You walked back after your Skell was[ST:n ]destroyed by a suid near Shadow Rise?[ST:n ]You are lucky to be alive at all!
664 Seems those strange radio waves were[ST:n ]coming from alien debris on Cliffside Beach[ST:n ]in Primordia. We should go check 'em out[ST:n ]when we have some spare time.
665 I spotted some debris from the White Whale[ST:n ]in the southern part of the Grieving Plains.[ST:n ]But I didn't have the skills to recover it[ST:n ]myself, so it's probably still there.
666 Sometimes, late at night, you can see flashes[ST:n ]of light traveling at high speeds above the[ST:n ]Prone fortress. I've never seen anything move[ST:n ]that fast, so be on your guard around there.
667 A piece of White Whale wreckage was seen[ST:n ]just east of Silent Mire. It sure would be nice[ST:n ]if there were some usable parts in the debris...
668 You know that small island west of New LA?[ST:n ]A helicopter crashed there, but everyone on[ST:n ]board made it back safely. They were lucky it[ST:n ]happened so close to home.
669 I still can't believe that I lost my Skell in that[ST:n ]spore filiavent attack at the Ensanguined Font![ST:n ]I really should go try to salvage what I can[ST:n ]from the wreckage one of these days...
670 If you're heading west, make sure you're well[ST:n ]prepared. Lots of hostile xenos that way, and[ST:n ]the indigens are even worse. Remember that[ST:n ]no alien wreckage is worth your life to find!
671 There are also small Ganglion camps around[ST:n ]the perimeter of Badr Stronghold. If we were[ST:n ]to steal the supplies from those camps, that'd[ST:n ]be quite a poke in the eye for those jerks!
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675 You know that Wrothian guy Zo Langra?[ST:n ]Well, I saw him running panicked through the[ST:n ]commercial district! I'm no psychic, but I know[ST:n ]folks don't run like that unless there's trouble.
676 They say there's a gigantic beast called the[ST:n ]Ruler of Fates that lives at the highest point at[ST:n ]the top of Noctilum. I certainly don't plan to[ST:n ]go anywhere NEAR that thing.
677 A team that was heading to Noctilum's[ST:n ]Divine Roost said they saw an indigen[ST:n ]lurking inside a gigantic plant. Could it be[ST:n ]one of those tyrants folks talk about?
678 Remember broken human whirly-twirly machine[ST:n ]in the Divine Roost? Nopon all freak out[ST:n ]over that one!
679 I've heard talk of xenos domesticating simius.[ST:n ]Apparently you can see some at the Ensconced[ST:n ]Citadel in Noctilum. Tame simius![ST:n ]Can you imagine?!
680 The tyrant that attacked so many BLADEs has[ST:n ]apparently been spotted flying just beyond the[ST:n ]Celestial Cleave at the back of Noctilum.
681 I heard they spotted a giant scirpo in Noctilum[ST:n ]during a foggy period. You all watch out for[ST:n ]that, okay?
682 They say a tyrant named Froste, the Courteous[ST:n ]lives in the Vitriol Cesspool. I wonder if the[ST:n ]name is because it's less aggressive than other[ST:n ]tyrants or something...
683 You know unafulges? They live in the Celestial[ST:n ]Ascent at Noctilum, and and are dangerous[ST:n ]even when separated from their schools.
684 Strong turba named Tormenta the Scarlet-Clad[ST:n ]lives at the Decapotamon in Noctilum.[ST:n ]I will go there and slay it!
685 Friend can get treasure from strange tree at[ST:n ]the Middle Hushflood in Noctilum. Now step[ST:n ]up sales, or else lazy helper will[ST:n ]go get it instead!
686 I spotted a new Sylooth at the Silent Stream[ST:n ]that seemed to be in some sort of leadership[ST:n ]position. Damn you, Ganglion! Is there no end[ST:n ]to your military resources?!
687 We finally found the trail of the team that[ST:n ]went ahead of us into the depths of Noctilum.[ST:n ]Seems they nearly made it to the heart of the[ST:n ]forest, but all that was left of them was debris.
688 I hear a Skell was destroyed by a primordial[ST:n ]creature in the Elephant's Trunk area of[ST:n ]Noctilum. No one was killed, thankfully,[ST:n ]but what a tragic waste of a critical resource.
689 Do you possess any information about the[ST:n ]strange tree near Noctilum's Bident Crossing?[ST:n ]For some reason, it makes my Ovah[ST:n ]throb whenever I look upon it.
690 We discovered that a part of the White Whale[ST:n ]landed near the Ensconced Citadel. But how[ST:n ]on Earth are we supposed to recover it?!
691 I heard they found Skell wreckage in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Middle Hushflood. But it's[ST:n ]probably not the one my brother was[ST:n ]piloting...
692 You saw a plant-like indigen aggressively[ST:n ]circling the skies over Noctilum's Everwhelm[ST:n ]Falls? Hmm... I wonder if it was a tyrant?
693 You had a \"memory\" of seeing wreckage of[ST:n ]an alien civilization in Noctilum's Qing Long[ST:n ]Glade? Did you actually see it, or just sense it[ST:n ]with that Ovah-whatever thing you do?
694 Be careful when traveling along Fukai Pass.[ST:n ]It appears to be insidia territory.[ST:n ]There's one of them in particular that's[ST:n ]unusually tough and tenacious.
695 A Skell was shot down at the Decapotamon[ST:n ]and hasn't been recovered yet? That's great[ST:n ]intel! I'm gonna head right over to Noctilum.
696 Next time we see forfex near Everwhelm Falls,[ST:n ]smash to death! Then cook! Then eat!
697 My friend surveying Noctilum found a[ST:n ]virago nest in the deepest part of[ST:n ]Rockmole's Burrow but was too scared[ST:n ]to get anywhere near the thing.
698 A trailer loaded with precious resources was[ST:n ]attacked at Noctilum's Decapotamon.[ST:n ]Just goes to show how dangerous it is to[ST:n ]be out there without a Skell.
699 I found an unexplored territory past the[ST:n ]Canopied Nightwood, but before I could[ST:n ]enjoy it, a strong tyrant camouflaged as a[ST:n ]boulder came at me. I beat it outta there!
700 A patrol copter sent to Noctilum was lost near[ST:n ]Elephant's Trunk. I hope the crew is safe, but[ST:n ]with all the indigens out there, it's hard to[ST:n ]be optimistic.
701 I've heard there's a really ferocious dilus[ST:n ]in the northern part of Rust Lake. If that thing[ST:n ]gets its jaws around you, you're toast![ST:n ]Er, unless you're in a Skell or something.
702 An alien container was found near the[ST:n ]Rustpool Banks in Noctilum.
703 There's a tyrant in the Rustpool Banks.[ST:n ]I hear it's a scirpo, so it's one of those[ST:n ]spider-type things. I pray I never have to[ST:n ]see it for myself! I simply can't stand bugs.
704 I saw this crazy tree that looks like a giant[ST:n ]dragon's tail in Noctilum. I can't get it out[ST:n ]of my head! Could someone please investigate[ST:n ]it for me, maybe?
705 I found wrecked Earth-alien Skell north of[ST:n ]Lake Basel in Oblivia. Maybe it contains[ST:n ]treasure?
706 Wreckage from the White Whale has been[ST:n ]spotted at the northern part of Lake Basel in[ST:n ]Oblivia? Even the Reclaimers wouldn't be[ST:n ]capable of recovering anything from there!
707 A tyrant named Edgardo, the Carefree prowls[ST:n ]the North Coast. I doubt he'll be much[ST:n ]of an obstacle if you travel by Skell, but I'd[ST:n ]look out for him all the same.
708 I heard some White Whale wreckage fell[ST:n ]beyond North Coast in Oblivia. Course,[ST:n ]I'm just a wrench slinger, so it don't have[ST:n ]nothing to do with me.
709 Nighttime is when cetos come out here.[ST:n ]They swallow you whole like grape!
710 Indigens nest outside North Coast.[ST:n ]Clever Earth aliens might find something there.
711 The wrecked Skell on North Coast? Yeah, that[ST:n ]belonged to me. Took a pounding on my very[ST:n ]first mission out here and barely managed to[ST:n ]escape with my life.
712 I heard voice of oracle from fountain![ST:n ]It spoke of broken oc-serv on North Coast[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
713 I recall hearing a report that a human-made[ST:n ]Skell had been shot down near King's Falls.[ST:n ]Shouldn't you recover that? Mmm?[ST:n ]Or am I out of line suggesting so?
714 Near Oblivia's Lake Basel, there's a mephite [ST:n ]that gathers and lives off the leavings of other[ST:n ]indigens. Maybe it's some sort of mutation?
715 Human friends abandoned machine in south[ST:n ]part of Lake Basel. Stop leaving trash near[ST:n ]Nopon territory!
716 The Nopon at Oblivia's Lake Basel think the[ST:n ]aetrygons that live in the rocky area around[ST:n ]them are divine emissaries that swoop down[ST:n ]from above. ...What a funny bunch of guys.
717 The desert around Big Arch in Oblivia is[ST:n ]apparently home to a nest of violent sabulas[ST:n ]who try to swallow intruders whole.
718 There's an especially fearless progen that's[ST:n ]making life difficult for the Prospectors working[ST:n ]on the cliffs near Oblivia's King's Falls.
719 It would be great to visit floating island in[ST:n ]southern sky. There likely treasure everywhere!
720 I've heard you can recover some pretty rare[ST:n ]items out of the indigen dung around Victory[ST:n ]Rock in Oblivia. ...Huh? So WHAT if it's[ST:n ]filthy?! Go do it for all humankind's sake!
721 I heard the Reclaimers found wreckage from [ST:n ]the White Whale at the entrance to Oblivia.[ST:n ]They haven't done any actual reclaiming yet,[ST:n ]but hopefully they find something useful.
722 There's a large suid sow that naps right in the[ST:n ]middle of the road near here. I don't think you[ST:n ]want to mess with her if you can avoid it, so[ST:n ]don't wake mommy, okay?
723 You found a wrecked vehicle at Oblivia's Twin[ST:n ]Arches? Well, it doesn't look like I'll be back[ST:n ]in action any time soon, so you'll have to[ST:n ]handle it.
724 Oblivia can be real scary, you know?[ST:n ]I was almost eaten by a giant mortifole that[ST:n ]lives on top of the Twin Arches...
725 I discovered some White Whale wreckage[ST:n ]here in the Aaroy Plain, but my field skills[ST:n ]weren't sufficient enough to do a proper[ST:n ]analysis.
726 That grex lurking in the rocky areas of the[ST:n ]Keegan Ridge is unobtrusive, but I bet[ST:n ]good money it's a hardened veteran.
727 I've seen some saltats acting really weird near[ST:n ]King's Falls—like they're making some sort of[ST:n ]offering to the water. It's interesting, but also[ST:n ]a little bit creepy, you know?
728 You found a piece of White Whale wreckage[ST:n ]beyond the Keegan Ridge in Oblivia?[ST:n ]Best to leave the recovery of that sort of thing[ST:n ]to the Reclaimers.
729 The BLADEs that are being deployed to[ST:n ]Oblivia are being picked off by a sphinx[ST:n ]that lurks beneath Victory Rock!
730 Merchants from Dorian Caravan say they[ST:n ]discover wreckage from human ship near[ST:n ]Sea Whisper Valley.
731 Friends should take Ma-non ship, attack Jair [ST:n ]Fortress, and steal treasure that is there!
732 Gotthard the Intimidating from the Yawning[ST:n ]Giant is dangerous. Even Tree Clan warriors[ST:n ]are no match.
733 The vigents that live on the Aaroy Plain[ST:n ]are extremely vicious. Oh, and hungry. So I'd[ST:n ]avoid making eye contact unless you feel like[ST:n ]being torn limb-from-limb.
734 If a BLADE finds anything that could be a[ST:n ]usable resource, they have to examine it.[ST:n ]And I mean ANYTHING. Even dung from[ST:n ]some indigen in Oblivia.
735 I hear there's an unusual evello near Oblivia's[ST:n ]River Isle that spends all its time mindlessly[ST:n ]foraging for food. ...Like my ex! Ha!
736 The Sylooth that strut around the center of[ST:n ]the Ibra Ravine have strange plants growing[ST:n ]from their heads that seem to be highly prized[ST:n ]by the surrounding indigens.
737 I saw an adsecula variant at the watering hole[ST:n ]in the eastern part of Oblivia's Ibra Ravine,[ST:n ]but I lost sight of the vermin when it melted[ST:n ]into the cliffs. Blast!
738 We saw wrecked Skell on Stoyanov Trail in[ST:n ]Oblivia. Then we left flowers to honor[ST:n ]memory of brave Earth-alien soldier.
739 We found wreckage from an alien civilization[ST:n ]at the southern side of the Yawning Giant,[ST:n ]but none of us were up for the task of[ST:n ]recovering anything from it.
740 I hear a Pathfinder team was wiped out in the[ST:n ]southern Aaroy Plain in Oblivia. I guess[ST:n ]even a Skell is no guarantee of safety.
741 I heard that in Oblivia's Barbarich Desert,[ST:n ]there are tectinsulas that go for years without[ST:n ]food or water. Pretty stoic, right?
742 I've heard rumors of creepy flowers blooming[ST:n ]around Oblivia's Balance Rock base camp.[ST:n ]I don't think anyone's really studied them yet,[ST:n ]though.
743 You know that huge broken ring in Oblivia?[ST:n ]I hear they sent out a team to retrieve it,[ST:n ]but they ran afoul of a nasty nest of indigens[ST:n ]nearby, and the expedition ended in failure.
744 The Wrothians told me that they found vehicle[ST:n ]wreckage in the northern part of Oblivia's[ST:n ]South Coast. I should probably thank them for[ST:n ]the tip, right?
745 They say the Prone woman who murdered my[ST:n ]friends is hiding out in Oblivia's Mesa Fortress.[ST:n ]Damn her! If I had the strength to do it,[ST:n ]I'd go kill her myself!
746 FrontierNav is showing a hit in Oblivia,[ST:n ]but we can't check it out because the target[ST:n ]area is right next to a base of hostile xenos.
747 Skell wreckage near Oblivia's Mesa Fortress?[ST:n ]This could be what we've been waiting for.[ST:n ]We gotta go retrieve that wreckage!
748 They say a gargantuan millepod lurks at the[ST:n ]bottom of the Yawning Giant. The Nopon that[ST:n ]inhabit the area seem to live in constant fear[ST:n ]of it.
749 In the searing heat of Oblivia's Barbarich[ST:n ]Desert, wreckage from the White Whale[ST:n ]sits waiting to be recovered. We need[ST:n ]to go find it!
750 I hear a gargantuan aprica called Sviatoslav,[ST:n ]the Reproachful appears when rain falls upon[ST:n ]Oblivia's Balance Rock area. How I long[ST:n ]to bathe my sword in its blood!
751 We've been ordered to recover the Skell[ST:n ]wreckage that was discovered at South Coast[ST:n ]in Oblivia. I have a feeling it's not going to be[ST:n ]a pleasant assignment.
752 A giant duoguill lives at the lake near the[ST:n ]Leaning Ring in Oblivia. But my observational[ST:n ]hypothesis is that it only comes out during[ST:n ]electromagnetic storms.
753 Is that Skell wreckage still in the southern part[ST:n ]of South Coast? If that guy had stuck to doing[ST:n ]business in New LA, he'd probably still be[ST:n ]alive today. Such a shame!
754 Apparently a levitath has been spotted at the[ST:n ]Drowning Ring in the sea south of Oblivia.[ST:n ]It seems to be biologically different from the[ST:n ]ones in other places...
755 I've spent a lot of time looking at the research[ST:n ]data probes, and I found a strange petrified[ST:n ]tree stump in the north of Sylvalum. I wonder[ST:n ]if I should report it to BLADE?
756 I heard a Skell was shot down near Sylvalum's[ST:n ]North Cinderdunes. I sure hope they're able[ST:n ]to recover it...
757 To test my radar, which utilizes your[ST:n ]technology, I pointed it at Sylvalum.[ST:n ]Quite happily, I was able to locate a[ST:n ]xenoform relic in the North Cinderdunes.
758 I heard they discovered some ridiculously huge[ST:n ]indigen in Sylvalum's West Cinderdunes.[ST:n ]Our new weapon may be just what we need[ST:n ]to stand a chance against that kind of thing.
759 Stupid giant Ganglion warship is hanging[ST:n ]around far northern skies of Sylvalum.[ST:n ]Some nice friend should bring it down[ST:n ]before it bring down sales!
760 There's a big petrified tree near the Anvil[ST:n ]Sandplain that's listed as a survey target, but[ST:n ]it's such a dangerous area that we haven't[ST:n ]been able to get close. Feel free to try...
761 I was looking at footage of the North Silent[ST:n ]Sandsea earlier when I saw an ovis herd.[ST:n ]And man, their leader seemed like a real[ST:n ]badass! I'd like to see him in real life one day.
762 According to FrontierNav's scans, there seems[ST:n ]to be wreckage from an alien civilization in[ST:n ]the northwestern part of this area. But I doubt[ST:n ]my team is equipped to recover it.
763 I spotted a petramand near Samuel Incline that[ST:n ]looked like it had been captured by the[ST:n ]Ganglion. Time to gear up and take it out!
764 Did you hear about Anvil Rock Desert? I guess[ST:n ]they found wreckage there of a helicopter that[ST:n ]was sent to Sylvalum right after we landed on[ST:n ]Mira. I can't imagine there were any survivors.
765 We lost contact with a guy in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Silent Sandsea who was piloting a Skell[ST:n ]loaded with treasure. We gotta go reclaim[ST:n ]that loot!
766 We discovered a large, odd-looking petrified[ST:n ]tree on the Northern Searoad, but couldn't[ST:n ]get close enough to survey it properly.
767 Fellow Nopon in Sylvalum was attacked by[ST:n ]boss monster of Cavernous Abyss. BLADE[ST:n ]friends should take Skell down there and[ST:n ]kill evil thing to death!
768 You won't marry me until I've recovered the[ST:n ]alien container that was discovered at Badr[ST:n ]Basin in Sylvalum? SERIOUSLY?[ST:n ]You have the strangest conditions...
769 I just paid my first visit to Sylvalum.[ST:n ]We found a container from an alien[ST:n ]civilization at the South Cinderdunes,[ST:n ]but we couldn't open it.
770 Watch out for Gesserith the Wileworm.[ST:n ]If she sees you fighting sabulas near the[ST:n ]Samuel Incline base camp, she'll probably[ST:n ]come after you!
771 Friend knows big turned-to-stone tree in[ST:n ]South Silent Sandsea? Nopon could make[ST:n ]tons of money selling it to humans!
772 So so I saw an alien container near the[ST:n ]Delusian Mountains. But I figured it was[ST:n ]probably full of junk and stuff, so I just...[ST:n ]left it alone?
773 I discovered an alien container in North[ST:n ]Hardheart Canyon. If we could recover it[ST:n ]and analyze its contents, I bet it could be[ST:n ]of some use to humanity.
774 There's a large pack of indigens in the vicinity[ST:n ]of the Shivering Sands. We suspect the[ST:n ]monoceros that leads them is a tyrant.
775 So I heard there's a strange petrified tree in[ST:n ]the South Cinderdunes in Sylvalum?[ST:n ]This sounds like a job for the universe's[ST:n ]greatest treasure hunter! ...Which is, er, me?
776 You know that alien wreckage in the southern[ST:n ]part of the Silent Sandsea? Well, it seems[ST:n ]those sluggards in the lower base camp still[ST:n ]haven't gotten around to salvaging it.
777 We discovered an alien container in the dunes[ST:n ]to the west of Lake Ciel in Sylvalum. Perhaps[ST:n ]the humans can make better sense of it than[ST:n ]we Wrothians could?
778 There's a reliquary from an alien civilization at[ST:n ]the South Ciel Sandsea, but it doesn't look[ST:n ]like it has anything to do with the Ganglion.[ST:n ]What sort of beings used to live there?
779 Did you hear about the ferocious indigen that[ST:n ]patrols the skies above the northwest part of[ST:n ]Lake Ciel in Sylvalum? Let's hope the humans[ST:n ]bring it down fast, right?
780 I hear the aggressive aetrygon in Sylvalum are[ST:n ]driving people away from Xanadu Overlook.[ST:n ]You know, there ain't nothing you can't send[ST:n ]flying with a weapon from Grenada GG!
781 Friendpon see arenatect in northeast[ST:n ]Lake Ciel. It suddenly start moving and[ST:n ]scare wits from poor friendpon!
782 Nopon friend saw Ganglion machine in[ST:n ]Hardheart Canyon that look different from[ST:n ]usual Ganglion machine. Hopefully they not[ST:n ]come this way...
783 You found an alien container in Sylvalum? In[ST:n ]the southern Delusian Mountain foothills?[ST:n ]Forget that and dance! No duty now![ST:n ]There is only THE DAAAAAANCE!
784 I saw something I'd never seen before rolling[ST:n ]around the Sylvalum Searoad. I think it was[ST:n ]some sort of mechanical lifeform? Anyway,[ST:n ]I don't know, so I'd stay far, far away.
785 I hear a massive indigen that no one's ever[ST:n ]seen before lives in the western part of[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Lake Ciel. I wonder if our weapons[ST:n ]would even be effective against such a thing?
786 Apparently, artifacts from an alien culture have[ST:n ]been discovered at Lake Ciel in Sylvalum.[ST:n ]Sounds like they'll need BLADEs who are adept[ST:n ]at the archaeological field skill to proceed.
787 The massive indigens east of Lake Ciel seem[ST:n ]to grow violent when crimson auroras occur.[ST:n ]It's important to pay attention to how the[ST:n ]weather affects such primordial creatures.
788 Really? You came all the way back from[ST:n ]Sylvalum to look for a fighter who might[ST:n ]recover the alien reliquary east of Lake Ciel?[ST:n ]Er, well, good luck with that...
789 Did you know there's a whole 'nother continent[ST:n ]north of New LA? They say there's these giant[ST:n ]petrified-tree things all over the place there,[ST:n ]and that they sometimes have stuff inside...
790 Friendpon saw nice big turned-to-stone tree[ST:n ]southwest of Lake Ciel, but had too much[ST:n ]cargo to haul it away. Maybe next time.
791 Have you seen the helicopter wreckage in the[ST:n ]Needle Rock Sandsea? It was shot down by[ST:n ]the Hilal Stronghold. One of these days, we're[ST:n ]going to have to go and recover what's left.
792 Be careful when searching beneath the[ST:n ]noctilucent spheres in Sylvalum, okay?[ST:n ]That's where vivohasts like to hide in hopes[ST:n ]of trapping prey.
793 Have you seen that giant indigen at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Hilal Meadow? We keep our eyes peeled for[ST:n ]that thing every time we pass through there.
794 It seems a really unusual petrified tree was[ST:n ]found in the southeast part of Sylvalum.[ST:n ]Any chance you're going back to take a[ST:n ]closer look?
795 On the Seabird's Beak of Sylvalum, I saw a[ST:n ]visigel that was significantly stronger than[ST:n ]all of the others. If I'd gotten any closer,[ST:n ]I probably wouldn't be alive to tell the tale!
796 We've already lost 21 BLADEs to the giant[ST:n ]tyrant of Hilal Meadow. I can barely[ST:n ]comprehend how dangerous that thing must[ST:n ]be. It makes my knees tremble!
797 We found something near Hilal Meadow[ST:n ]in Sylvalum. It may be alien artifact.[ST:n ]But Ganglion fortress is very close,[ST:n ]so there is much risk to claiming it.
798 Friendpon found ruins of Ganglion Skell at[ST:n ]East Ciel Sandsea. As he laugh at[ST:n ]misfortune, Marnuck emerge from inside![ST:n ]So, for friendpon...
799 Did you see that big petrified tree nearby?[ST:n ]I'd love to survey that, but it's beyond my[ST:n ]physical capabilities. I'll just have to ask the[ST:n ]Reclaimers to do it. *sigh*
800 I was watching some footage earlier and[ST:n ]noticed some of the Ganglion mechs deployed[ST:n ]along the outer walls of Sylvalum were[ST:n ]destroyed. Seriously!
801 I wrecked my Skell near Hilal Stronghold. Let[ST:n ]myself get distracted for just an instant, but[ST:n ]that's all the time it took. She was the best[ST:n ]partner I ever had... *sniff*
802 I hear of Sylvalum cave where Marnuck hid[ST:n ]great treasure by south wall...
803 Someone said they saw an eerie, shimmering[ST:n ]creature at the entrance to Sylvalum, but that[ST:n ]it disappeared right in front of them. You[ST:n ]know what that means? GHOSTS! EEEEK!
804 I hear there's a cervus with golden horns in[ST:n ]the South Ciel Sandsea of Sylvalum. I can't[ST:n ]even IMAGINE trying to take down that thing!
805 My BLADE friend said he chanced upon a[ST:n ]Milsaadi that controls insects at the Forgotten[ST:n ]Mining Frigates in Cauldros. He also said that[ST:n ]she appears at night and is one tough cookie!
806 We spotted wreckage from the White Whale[ST:n ]west of G'nahan Villa. I can't believe how far[ST:n ]afield that piece fell—the ship must have[ST:n ]completely disintegrated in midair.
807 I heard they found debris from the White [ST:n ]Whale on the cliffs of a small island in the[ST:n ]western part of Cauldros, but that recovering[ST:n ]it has proven too difficult.
808 That reminds me... There was a giant[ST:n ]petramand that lived atop the magma waterfall[ST:n ]in Cauldros. It would have been quite the[ST:n ]menace had it existed on our planet.
809 We found wreckage from an alien civilization[ST:n ]west of Mount M'gando in Cauldros.[ST:n ]With the reward I get for excavating it,[ST:n ]I'm gonna buy you something really special!
810 They say there's a giant bird indigen at[ST:n ]Mount M'gando in Cauldros. When I imagine[ST:n ]myself having to fight that thing... Nope.[ST:n ]Nope nope nope nope nope.
811 I got a message from my sister saying there's[ST:n ]a valuable-looking alien reliquary in the[ST:n ]magma fields of Cauldros. Ooo, so exciting!
812 The entrance to Cauldros's O'rrh Sim Castle[ST:n ]is guarded by a cutting-edge model of Galdr[ST:n ]that shimmers like gold. There's no way I'd[ST:n ]even make it through the front door.
813 Most of Cauldros seems to be under the[ST:n ]Ganglion's control. But if we could sneak into[ST:n ]their headquarters and steal their supplies...
814 During the day, you can see a really fast[ST:n ]Seidr near the Ganglion hangar. The guy[ST:n ]behind the controls must be one of their ace[ST:n ]pilots.
815 There's a hidden treasure in an indigen's nest[ST:n ]in Cauldros's O'rrh Sim castle ruins, right?[ST:n ]Should I get it for the Prone lady who sits[ST:n ]here at night to try and make her feel better?
816 I journeyed to Mount M'gando in Cauldros,[ST:n ]but was beset from above by a ferocious ictus.[ST:n ]I nearly became a kebab myself!
817 Some alien wreckage was spotted near[ST:n ]Cauldros's M'gando Gorge.
818 They say there's treasure hidden in an indigen[ST:n ]nest in the northeast part of Cauldros. But I[ST:n ]doubt I could get close enough to find out,[ST:n ]even with my awesome Skell.
819 Did you know about the alien reliquary that[ST:n ]was found near White Phosphor Lake?[ST:n ]It requires a pretty high field-skill level to be[ST:n ]properly investigated, if you're up for it.
820 If you head up this hill, you'll end up in a[ST:n ]meadow known as the Emerian Battlegrounds.[ST:n ]It's even safer over there than it is here,[ST:n ]so feel free to check it out.
821 There are remains of a Skell from an alien[ST:n ]civilization on the Emerian Battlegrounds.[ST:n ]I guess even they had their hands full[ST:n ]protecting themselves from the local indigens.
822 If either of you truly love me, you'll go to[ST:n ]Cauldros and recover the patrol copter that[ST:n ]crashed in the lava fields!
823 The xeno who uses a pack of caro to guard[ST:n ]O'rrh Sim Castle is the one who killed my[ST:n ]boyfriend! Xenoforms are our enemy![ST:n ]So get the hell out of here already!
824 Yes, we've detected a badly-damaged alien[ST:n ]container in Cauldros's north T'phnom Shelf.[ST:n ]Do you think you will be able to retrieve[ST:n ]anything out of it?
825 A helicopter crashed near the T'phnom Shelf.[ST:n ]The pilot was maneuvering carefully, but was[ST:n ]suddenly shot down from out of nowhere.[ST:n ]It was our first fatality after arriving on Mira.
826 Have you heard about that Milsaadi named[ST:n ]Sharnaak the Technician? He appears at night[ST:n ]on Mount M'gando in Cauldros, then lays[ST:n ]waste to all with these horrible weapons!
827 The Scholes Battlegrounds are home to a[ST:n ]caro who is an exceptional hunter. It lunges[ST:n ]from the shadows of rocks like a loosed arrow[ST:n ]from the bow.
828 A buddy of mine who went to Cauldros saw[ST:n ]an electromagnetic storm by the Forgotten[ST:n ]Mining Frigates. He said there was a super-[ST:n ]strong scintimure there veiled in lightning!
829 They say there's an alien reliquary in the Old[ST:n ]Ceremonial Hollow in Cauldros, you know?[ST:n ]Maybe if I had whatever relic lies within there[ST:n ]I could finally finally beat this guy...
830 I saw an elderly Gularth in front of Sunset[ST:n ]Falls, just staring intently at the tumbling[ST:n ]magma. Maybe it likes the solitude?
831 Some Outfitters said they found an indigen[ST:n ]nest at a place called the Ancient Warscape?[ST:n ]Scary. Cauldros is so so so scary.[ST:n ]It's basically unexplorable, isn't it?
832 Apparently Nopon friend saw White Whale[ST:n ]wreckage at Wildcat Fortress in Cauldros.[ST:n ]Wonder if it full of treasure?
833 Friend see that weird statue south of Forgotten[ST:n ]Mining Frigates? It was broken even before[ST:n ]Nopon get here, so stop blaming!
834 Strange caecus is attacking friends that go[ST:n ]to Dragonbone Promontory in Cauldros.[ST:n ]Maybe it think cape is home?
835 One of friends' whirly-twirly machines[ST:n ]crashed near Sunset Falls.[ST:n ]It not smart to fly around here!
836 The Ganglion seem to have some sort of un-[ST:n ]manned weapons they call \"xe-dom\" on their[ST:n ]mining ships in Cauldros. Perhaps you could[ST:n ]use your human power to...smash them?
837 They say that at nights in Cauldros, a giant[ST:n ]blatta emerges near the Forgotten Mining[ST:n ]Frigates. Crazy, right?
838 This top-secret information! There is Ganglion[ST:n ]supply crate over at Ternion Fork.[ST:n ]Friend should sneak back later to steal it!
839 Wait. They've detected a Lifepod on Cauldros's[ST:n ]Slavebird Isle? Say whaaaaaat? How in the[ST:n ]heck did it ever end up in a place like that?
840 You're saying one of our patrol copters was[ST:n ]shot down near the palace in the southeast[ST:n ]of Cauldros? Damn! I can't imagine a worse[ST:n ]place for a chopper to go down.
841 I heard they found a Lifepod in the southern[ST:n ]part of Cauldros. If I could recover that,[ST:n ]I'd get a huge reward! Huge, I tell you![ST:n ]Probably enough to buy a car!
842 I left some supplies near the probe placement[ST:n ]site in segment 314 on the FrontierNav maps.[ST:n ]If you ever run into trouble, feel free to use[ST:n ]them.
843 We were quick to rebuild after the invasion,[ST:n ]but wreckage from the battle remains. It seems[ST:n ]no one has bothered to clean up the debris[ST:n ]that crashed on the top of this crane yet.
844 Have you noticed the strange structure floating[ST:n ]in the northeast of FN site 501 on the segment[ST:n ]map? Readings suggest there's treasure inside,[ST:n ]but how are we supposed to retrieve it?
845 I saw a weird headless statue at the Bestial[ST:n ]Utopia. I wonder how old it is? We should[ST:n ]take it back to NLA for analysis.
846 We discovered a Lifepod south of Sunset Falls.[ST:n ]We tried to recover it, but the indigens gave[ST:n ]us so much trouble that we had to give up.
847 ITM_INFO_343_Caption
848 ITM_INFO_344_Caption
849 ITM_INFO_345_Caption
850 ITM_INFO_346_Caption
851 ITM_INFO_347_Caption
852 ITM_INFO_348_Caption
853 ITM_INFO_349_Caption
854 ITM_INFO_350_Caption
855 ITM_INFO_351_Caption
856 Secretary Nagi is coming to inspect the[ST:n ]Outfitters test hangar! It'll be early,[ST:n ]but I expect you to be bright eyed[ST:n ]and bushy tailed, you hear?
857 Wrothians are hold fighting tournament at[ST:n ]Outfitters test hangar. Do you think you are[ST:n ]warrior? Go prove it!
858 A Wrothian warrior is searching for able-[ST:n ]bodied BLADEs? In the interest of establishing[ST:n ]friendly relations, we should dispatch BLADEs[ST:n ]to their refuge immediately.
859 This guy Hugo in the industrial district got all[ST:n ]excited about how he'd made some earth-[ST:n ]shattering discovery, but when he tried to[ST:n ]explain it? Whoosh! Right over my head.
860 In the industrial district, I spied the xenoform[ST:n ]Celica massaging the head of a small,[ST:n ]long-eared animal. Could that have been a[ST:n ]form of religious worship as well?
861 I saw a new type of xenoform in front of[ST:n ]BLADE Tower. He said he was a Wrothian,[ST:n ]I think? Then he mumbled something about[ST:n ]this place being useless for training.
862 So what was the deal with that Yardley guy[ST:n ]at the Outfitters test hangar? Did he really[ST:n ]think we'd give him our precious resources[ST:n ]for his nonsensical research project?
863 There's a rumor going around that a giant[ST:n ]ape has been climbing the tower of the[ST:n ]Outfitters test hangar at night! And that he's[ST:n ]holding a damsel in his oversized hand!
864 I saw that Wrothian, Gi Zang, near the[ST:n ]maintenance center. He said he was preparing[ST:n ]for some sort of warrior's training pilgrimage,[ST:n ]so I just got out of his way.
865 This morning I saw this big, buff BLADE guy[ST:n ]giving a fellow mechanic detailed instructions[ST:n ]about something. He really seemed like he[ST:n ]knew what he was talking about.
866 Just before dawn, I stumbled into some secret[ST:n ]meeting in the industrial district, and a woman[ST:n ]there pointed a gun at me! For reals![ST:n ]I almost got shot!
867 Hey, you! Liza seems to be having trouble[ST:n ]dealing with all the garbage over at the plant.[ST:n ]Go help her with that! Go on! Move it!
868 My friend at the Outfitters test hangar is[ST:n ]furious. I guess she has to go give Irina[ST:n ]another talking-to.
869 That Lin girl has been wrestling with a flight[ST:n ]module at the Outfitters test hangar until the[ST:n ]wee hours of the night. She truly is a diligent[ST:n ]researcher, that one.
870 Dr. Hugo is developing a new battle data[ST:n ]probe in the Outfitters test hangar? Intriguing.[ST:n ]Shall we go check it out?
871 Saw Elma on a lunch break recently. She was[ST:n ]talking to a mechanic, and seemed worked[ST:n ]up about something. I was gonna ask her for[ST:n ]an autograph, but it looked like a bad time.
872 I saw Robert in the industrial district.[ST:n ]Poor guy looked really upset about something.[ST:n ]I wonder what happened?
873 That Tobias will do anything to make a buck![ST:n ]He's engaged in all sorts of dirty business[ST:n ]down in the industrial district, I hear. Someone[ST:n ]needs to give him a taste of God's wrath.
874 I was thinking about the Zaruboggan baby[ST:n ]that was born in the industrial district.[ST:n ]Can you imagine being born in a crazy place[ST:n ]like this? Poor poor baby...
875 There seems to be this weird container that's[ST:n ]been dumped at the integrated production[ST:n ]plant. What could possibly be inside it?[ST:n ]Nothing good, I'll warrant!
876 You know that guy Hugo? He's going around[ST:n ]the industrial district bugging every BLADE he[ST:n ]sees to help him with some new invention.[ST:n ]But no one wants to, and I don't blame 'em!
877 I saw a stuffed animal lying on the ground in[ST:n ]the industrial district outside the Outfitters test[ST:n ]hangar. There was something kind of...creepy[ST:n ]about it, so I just kept walking.
878 You know a guy from the industrial district[ST:n ]named Horonalderon? Apparently he was[ST:n ]attacked by the Ganglion outside the city,[ST:n ]but some weird squad came to his rescue.
879 Now Hope's helping out in the industrial[ST:n ]district! Is that woman just gonna work[ST:n ]herself until she collapses?
880 I just saw a Zaruboggan in the industrial[ST:n ]district with smoke billowing out of his[ST:n ]backpack. Is that...supposed to happen?
881 Irina's really nice. She's busy as all heck[ST:n ]but still takes time out of her schedule to give[ST:n ]advice to fellow BLADEs almost every night!
882 Every now and then, Frye abstains from[ST:n ]drinking for a night. Then he goes to the top[ST:n ]of the bridge and looks out on New LA.[ST:n ]What's up with that?
883 I saw Lara Nara flirting with his boyfriend at[ST:n ]the terrace in front of BLADE Tower.[ST:n ]He was saying he had some good news...
884 I saw a massive xenoform doing hard labor[ST:n ]in the industrial district. There was a cute girl[ST:n ]right beside him, but I still couldn't peel my[ST:n ]eyes away from him.
885 Hey, um... Listen, I just saw a xeno that I've[ST:n ]never seen before in the industrial district.[ST:n ]I'm not sure that it's supposed to be there...
886 A female BLADE just went into the back alley[ST:n ]with two scary-looking dudes. You think she's[ST:n ]okay? She didn't look all that tough, and it's[ST:n ]pretty dark back there...
887 There's a Zaruboggan around here who keeps[ST:n ]searching for...something. I hope it's not[ST:n ]anything weird or dangerous.
888 I heard Frye's been spotted in the hangars at[ST:n ]night engaging in some kind of real serious[ST:n ]conversation. Frankly, I'm shocked he stayed[ST:n ]sober long enough to converse with anyone!
889 BLADE has placed equipment caches in [ST:n ]each district of the city. Let's hope the day[ST:n ]never arrives when they need to use them.
890 Gwin's always following Irina around.[ST:n ]He even waits on the bridge in the afternoons[ST:n ]while she's going shopping! That's...pathetic.
891 I swear I'm telling the truth—Irina was[ST:n ]actually humming to herself as she was[ST:n ]shopping in the commercial district![ST:n ]What is going on with her?
892 So I saw Phog in the commercial district's[ST:n ]Barista Court earlier. He was just...staring into[ST:n ]a café of some kind. That's weird, right?[ST:n ]Isn't that weird?
893 What? There's a ghost of a Nopon that[ST:n ]appears at the top of BLADE Tower?[ST:n ]Sh-shut up! I don't even believe in ghosts![ST:n ]Stop trying to scare me with your voodoo!
894 I was in commercial district this morning.[ST:n ]Saw small girl with huge giant. Is this Celica?
895 Civilians can't open those BLADE supply boxes[ST:n ]placed in every district of the city, right?[ST:n ]So what are we supposed to do if something[ST:n ]happens? Just run for our damn lives?
896 You know Tracey? The Mediator? I just saw[ST:n ]her arrest a Zaruboggan down at Barista[ST:n ]Court in the commercial district! I hope this[ST:n ]doesn't turn into some diplomatic disaster...
897 There's a Zaruboggan named Shiraton[ST:n ]standing in front of Rosemoss in the[ST:n ]commercial district. That can't be good for[ST:n ]business.
898 Lately, Mia always seems to have something[ST:n ]she needs to do late at night. Maybe she's[ST:n ]working in the commercial district again?[ST:n ]Man, she shouldn't be overdoing it like that.
899 There's still wreckage from Ganglion Skells[ST:n ]in the commercial district, but we've been told[ST:n ]not to move it until the investigation is over.[ST:n ]Come on, already! I'm tired of lookin' at it!
900 I just saw a man getting into a tangle with a[ST:n ]bunch of dangerous thugs across the way.[ST:n ]I wonder if he's okay. Not like there's[ST:n ]anything we can do about it, but still...
901 I went to the Sunshine Café for an espresso,[ST:n ]but they couldn't make me one! I guess the[ST:n ]machine's broken or something? Anyway,[ST:n ]it pretty much ruined my whole day.
902 Around noon, I saw Doug rubbing his cheek[ST:n ]against some dog at the Ishmael Hills steps.[ST:n ]...He seemed tired. Must be working too hard.
903 Lin's down in the administrative district,[ST:n ]holding court with all the ladies from the[ST:n ]Prospectors. I see it's not only the lads who[ST:n ]that girl's popular with.
904 A weird Ma-non by the name of Chiopitus is[ST:n ]walking in Barista Court in the commercial[ST:n ]district. I guess he wants humans to help with[ST:n ]an experiment, which, yeah. No thanks.
905 It looks like Veverta dropped her comm device,[ST:n ]doesn't it? She seems to be wandering the[ST:n ]commercial district saying bad things under[ST:n ]her breath. Bad bad things...
906 Oh my gosh! Victoria from Belle Betty[ST:n ]Fashions is recruiting designers at Barista[ST:n ]Court! I'm going to be so fashionable before[ST:n ]this is all over, you won't even believe it.
907 Sometimes I see L out here in the middle of[ST:n ]the night with a big smirk on his face.[ST:n ]I always figure he's getting his kicks by selling[ST:n ]strange new inventions again.
908 I saw Secretary Nagi at the intersection on[ST:n ]North Founders Street at eight o'clock this[ST:n ]morning! Eight! In the MORNING! So you[ST:n ]totally HAVE to believe me now, right?
909 ...Hmm? An elder at the Nopon Bazaar is so[ST:n ]sick he's about to collapse? That's horrible![ST:n ]If there's anything we can do to help,[ST:n ]don't hesitate to ask.
910 A Nopon named Chiroro seems to be[ST:n ]sending out distress calls from the Floating[ST:n ]Reef over in Oblivia.
911 When I went shopping at the boutique earlier,[ST:n ]Alesa and a Ma-non named Wersal were[ST:n ]really going at it. What would those two[ST:n ]possibly have to argue about?
912 Kirsty's in a mood about something—she's[ST:n ]been barking orders at BLADEs near the[ST:n ]barracks all day. Must be nice to be so pretty[ST:n ]that you even look good when you're mad.
913 When fighting erupts in the commercial district[ST:n ]alleyways at night, the Murderess is always[ST:n ]watching from the crowd. Some new scheme[ST:n ]of hers, I bet. Or maybe she just likes blood.
914 I met a human named Frye on Melville Street[ST:n ]who isn't above raising a glass with[ST:n ]Wrothians. I hope we can learn to be so[ST:n ]cordial in our own dealings.
915 So in the commercial district, I guess a Nopon[ST:n ]named Bubu is worried about his wife going[ST:n ]missing? That is so so sad...
916 I hear the wreckage of the Ganglion mechs[ST:n ]still hasn't been fully removed from the[ST:n ]commercial district? I guess no one wants to[ST:n ]to to clean after surviving a huge battle.
917 Drill Sergeant Wolf wants to recruit xenoform[ST:n ]BLADEs to join the fight against the Ganglion.[ST:n ]As if any xeno could survive his training[ST:n ]regimen! Ha!
918 A Nopon named Warawa is searching[ST:n ]Armory Alley for the super-rare gold[ST:n ]nopopotamus Miralife Card. Hooo boy![ST:n ]That will NOT be easy to find...
919 When I went to lunch earlier, I saw a Ma-non[ST:n ]arguing with some kind of xeno I've not seen[ST:n ]before, near the restaurant. I hope that doesn't[ST:n ]become...a thing? The arguing, I mean...
920 I think the Mediator named Beats who patrols[ST:n ]the commercial district is is is searching for[ST:n ]electronic books while he works?[ST:n ]That's human diligence for you...
921 I saw Ackwar interviewing witnesses on[ST:n ]Melville Street. Did something happen there?
922 At night, I often see Hope waiting for[ST:n ]someone outside of a building in the[ST:n ]commercial district. Helping out yet[ST:n ]another poor soul in need, most likely.
923 On the Ma-non ship's deck, the Orphe were[ST:n ]running around Sun'barac in panicked circles.[ST:n ]*fsssh* They're a weak race like us, which[ST:n ]means there's always a reason to worry.
924 I saw Elma watching passing cars in the[ST:n ]commercial district. Could she be protecting[ST:n ]someone? Or maybe looking for criminals?
925 A Prone named Loda Gorida was raising a[ST:n ]huge fuss on the Ma-non ship, saying his[ST:n ]daughter was abducted by a human.[ST:n ]Could that really be true? Come on!
926 When I went to the Ma-non ship, there was[ST:n ]a buglike xeno called Nan'celeg that was[ST:n ]constantly mumbling to itself. I am going to[ST:n ]have nightmares about that for WEEKS.
927 A Zaruboggan, I think? It was acting like it[ST:n ]wanted to say something to me but gave up[ST:n ]and went back to the Ma-non ship. [ST:n ]Maybe it was looking for something?
928 Bazis Wolfen is about to have a baby![ST:n ]...I wonder what Prone babies look like.
929 Sounds like the Prone are gearing up for a[ST:n ]wedding! Aw, that's great. We all could use[ST:n ]some happy news in these trying times.
930 I hear there's this Wrothian on the Ma-non[ST:n ]ship who was saying something about[ST:n ]an apprentice gathering steel for him?[ST:n ]I couldn't really make heads or tails of it.
931 The Wrothians went out to fight some baddie [ST:n ]that was running amok in Primordia, right? But[ST:n ]but they seem to have been beaten instead.[ST:n ]Their captain's brooding about it on our deck.
932 The Zaruboggan worship a god named[ST:n ]Golbogga. I learned that from someone[ST:n ]named Feloran up on the Ma-non ship.
933 The men of the Tree Clan were just running[ST:n ]around in a tizzy! It's some cultural thing,[ST:n ]but believe me, you do NOT want to see[ST:n ]something that big and strong in a tizzy.
934 Sajif Scoppio was just here asking me [ST:n ]about military tactics. It was surprising—[ST:n ]I'd never known a Prone to be so full of[ST:n ]intellectual curiosity before.
935 So that Prone? Slovity? The scary one?[ST:n ]I don't know what she's planning to do up on[ST:n ]our ship, but I really really REALLY hope it's[ST:n ]nothing bad...
936 Have you been following the election news?[ST:n ]According to Sun'barac, who's been[ST:n ]gathering data on the Ma-non ship, a[ST:n ]dangerous new candidate has emerged.
937 ITM_INFO_433_Caption
938 I hope they clean up that wrecked Ganglion[ST:n ]Skell on top of the Outfitters test hangar soon.[ST:n ]It's creeping out my dates and torpedoing[ST:n ]my social life!
939 ITM_INFO_435_Caption
940 ITM_INFO_436_Caption
941 ITM_INFO_437_Caption
942 I went to see Elma at the barracks, but she[ST:n ]was too lost in thought to say anything. Also,[ST:n ]I can't believe how good she looks when she's[ST:n ]thinking! Smart ladies are just the best.
943 ITM_INFO_439_Caption
944 Defense Secretary Nagi is attending a party[ST:n ]with the Sakuraba big shots at noon today.[ST:n ]Shouldn't you go to the residential district to[ST:n ]provide security?
945 ITM_INFO_441_Caption
946 ITM_INFO_442_Caption
947 At the Outfitters test hangar, a human named[ST:n ]Hugo claims to be making an invention that'll[ST:n ]reshape history. Do you think he'd let me help[ST:n ]with his research, maybe?
948 ITM_INFO_444_Caption
949 ITM_INFO_445_Caption
950 ITM_INFO_446_Caption
951 ITM_INFO_447_Caption
952 ITM_INFO_448_Caption
953 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with objects of human make.[ST:n ]Grants level 2 access.
954 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with objects of human make.[ST:n ]Grants level 3 access.
955 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with objects of human make.[ST:n ]Grants level 4 access.
956 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with objects of human make.[ST:n ]Grants level 5 access.
957 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with natural objects.[ST:n ]Grants level 2 access.
958 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with natural objects.[ST:n ]Grants level 3 access.
959 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with natural objects.[ST:n ]Grants level 4 access.
960 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with natural objects.[ST:n ]Grants level 5 access.
961 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with objects of alien make.[ST:n ]Grants level 2 access.
962 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with objects of alien make.[ST:n ]Grants level 3 access.
963 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with objects of alien make.[ST:n ]Grants level 4 access.
964 This technical manual primarily covers[ST:n ]interfacing with objects of alien make.[ST:n ]Grants level 5 access.
965 They say gigantic purgovent smashing up[ST:n ]Oblivia's North Coast! Here's hoping friends[ST:n ]not run into it.
966 There's a rocklike ovis near the Twin Arches[ST:n ]that attacks everything in sight. ...You know[ST:n ]what? Sometimes I really hate this planet.
967 That signal we picked up from Oblivia's[ST:n ]South Coast? Yeah, that wasn't part of the[ST:n ]Lifehold. It was just being transmitted from[ST:n ]some Skell wreckage.
968 I've seen Phog hanging out by himself at the[ST:n ]lower strata beneath Deliverance Park in broad[ST:n ]daylight. It's awfully suspicious behavior, right?[ST:n ]Maybe we should report him to the Mediators?
969 That scientist Hugo looked so so thrilled while[ST:n ]he was tinkering with machines in the[ST:n ]Outfitters test hangar... Maybe that means[ST:n ]something exciting is about to happen?
970 Did you know I met a human named Lin at[ST:n ]the construction site in the residential district?[ST:n ]Well, I did! And then she asked a million[ST:n ]questions about our ship...
971 ITM_INFO_504_Caption
972 There's a storage area behind the sports[ST:n ]complex where Phog has been wandering[ST:n ]around and staring at the ground all day.[ST:n ]Guess he must have dropped something...
973 There's a BLADE named Gwin who's always[ST:n ]training near the sports complex—even in the[ST:n ]dead of night. I certainly don't mind putting[ST:n ]my life in the hands of a man like that!
974 I saw Fosdyke—one of the Celeste Three—at[ST:n ]Deliverance Park in the residential district.[ST:n ]Seriously! It was totally him!
975 I saw L this morning at Deliverance Park.[ST:n ]He seems to be doing Prone dance of[ST:n ]courtship. Is it rutting season for L?
976 I saw a cute xeno girl sunbathing in the park.[ST:n ]That's the sort of thing that makes me feel like[ST:n ]everything's right with the world.
977 I see Doug working out at the sports complex[ST:n ]when he has time off. I don't see the point[ST:n ]since mimeosomes don't atrophy, but he sure[ST:n ]is passionate about it.
978 Gwin and Mathias were having a passionate[ST:n ]discussion about something at the water-[ST:n ]purification plant. Those two sure are close!
979 I saw this human named Frye down by the[ST:n ]fountain in the residential district. He smelled[ST:n ]of alcohol and seemed to be fighting with a[ST:n ]cat? So so strange...
980 ITM_INFO_513_Caption
981 Apparently Kirsty was looking for someone in[ST:n ]Cauldros, or found someone, or...something?[ST:n ]I can never understand what she's babbling[ST:n ]about when she gets excited.
982 I just saw Gwin playing with a dog up in[ST:n ]Ishmael Hills. ...N-not that I care one way or[ST:n ]the other about him, of course! What are you[ST:n ]getting so jealous about?!
983 I saw Mia standing in front of her Ishmael[ST:n ]Hills home looking troubled. And that is not[ST:n ]like her at ALL! She's about the spunkiest[ST:n ]person I know.
984 If you ever need a hand, maybe talk to Hope?[ST:n ]She can help with pretty much anything.[ST:n ]I think she's out in the commercial district[ST:n ]right now, actually...
985 Why has Phog been staring at the water-[ST:n ]purification plant with such a serious look on[ST:n ]his face? I don't get that guy at all.
986 During lunch, I saw the Murderess talking to[ST:n ]a suspicious-looking guy at the house across[ST:n ]from Deliverance Park. Then I walked away,[ST:n ]because I don't want to end up in a ditch...
987 Pets sure are incredible! I saw one cranky[ST:n ]lady in the residential district go from super[ST:n ]angry to totally calm, thanks to a pet.[ST:n ]I wonder if the little fella is still there?
988 Mia not like Nopon after all—she only have[ST:n ]eye for stupid cat! Time to give her pieces of[ST:n ]mind next time she comes to commercial[ST:n ]district! Meh!
989 I wonder what happens to the property of[ST:n ]fallen BLADE operatives? I'm sure Doug[ST:n ]would know, but I haven't seen him around[ST:n ]for a while.
990 I saw a Nopon collapsed in the residential[ST:n ]district! Poor little guy looked sick or crazy[ST:n ]or something, so I just kept my distance.
991 Holy wow. Did you see Elma at the[ST:n ]water-purification plant that night?![ST:n ]No, I... I shouldn't say anything more.[ST:n ]I don't want her to get angry at me!
992 Kirsty has been looking for that new member[ST:n ]of Elma's team near the water-purification[ST:n ]plant. She sure seemed to be excited about[ST:n ]something.
993 Fritz was negotiating with this woman in[ST:n ]Armory Alley, right? Next thing I know,[ST:n ]she walked around the corner and suddenly[ST:n ]turned into a xeno! I saw it with my own eyes!
994 I saw Mia in the alley behind the residential[ST:n ]district one night, and she was as perky as[ST:n ]ever. Seeing her like that always makes me[ST:n ]feel better.
995 I heard an Orphean broke into Caroline's[ST:n ]house and trashed her yard. It's all anyone's[ST:n ]talking about in the residential district.
996 Phog's been locked in a staring contest with a[ST:n ]cat in Ishmael Hills for I don't know how long.[ST:n ]What is up with that guy? He's the oddest[ST:n ]duck in this city, and that's saying something.
997 Orphean named Kon'luarb in residential district[ST:n ]asks lots of questions about Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant. What is he planning?
998 A lady named Rosie was screaming about[ST:n ]something over by the water-purification plant.[ST:n ]Poor thing must be at the end of her rope.[ST:n ]...Or crazy. Could be that, too.
999 At sunset, I heard dogs barking at Irina[ST:n ]in front of a house near the cathedral.[ST:n ]That woman is just terrible with animals.
1000 I saw L staring at a cat over in the residential[ST:n ]district. He was mumbling to himself about[ST:n ]how one might go about eating such a[ST:n ]creature. So, uh, yeah. Lock up your cats.
1001 Earth-alien women are strange. Some even[ST:n ]buy big houses and live in them together.
1002 Wendy up in Ishmael Hills was complaining[ST:n ]that some Nopon salesman won't leave her[ST:n ]alone. Poor thing!
1003 I hear Secretary Nagi's paying a visit to Team[ST:n ]Elma's quarters at the BLADE barracks. Yep,[ST:n ]that group sure is close with the secretary...[ST:n ]MUST BE NICE!
1004 ITM_INFO_537_Caption
1005 Even Dr. Staccata couldn't find a cure for this[ST:n ]disease. But apparently it will heal up if I visit[ST:n ]Fraisie in the cathedral?
1006 There's an extraordinarily odd Nopon in the[ST:n ]residential district who seems to be casting[ST:n ]some sort of spell. You don't think it's black[ST:n ]magic, do you? Or...blood magic? Eeeep!
1007 There's a woman over at the cathedral in the[ST:n ]residential district who's always preaching that[ST:n ]xenos and humans are equal. No thanks, pal![ST:n ]Keep me far, far away from that wacko.
1008 I heard Letrick is out looking for a congregant[ST:n ]who visited the cathedral while he was out.[ST:n ]He's a diligent man, that one.
1009 There's a strange woman hanging out in the[ST:n ]residential-district park. And when I say[ST:n ]strange, I mean TOOOOTALLY WEIRD.[ST:n ]She might not even be from Earth.
1010 I saw Hope tending to flowers at the small[ST:n ]park by the cathedral during lunch. Knowing[ST:n ]her, it was probably a favor for someone else.
1011 Can we take containers in residential district?[ST:n ]They might make nice chairs.
1012 Lately, traitors who deny the Ovah have[ST:n ]appeared in our midst. On'tonam in the[ST:n ]residential district is dealing with the situation.
1013 That Phoskeran guy has been hanging out in[ST:n ]Ishmael Hills, yelling to everyone about his[ST:n ]newfound obsession with fortune-telling.[ST:n ]...He is one weird Zaruboggan.
1014 Even the BLADE emergency supply caches are[ST:n ]sort of badass. See for yourself! There's one[ST:n ]right behind the cathedral in the residential[ST:n ]district.
1015 At the guard post in the lower area, I saw[ST:n ]Gwin spend his lunch hour talking to a[ST:n ]newbie friend and looking all grim. He didn't[ST:n ]even eat! I wonder what's going on...
1016 Lately, Irina has been spending her[ST:n ]mornings getting her weapons modified at[ST:n ]that BLADE gathering spot in the hangars.
1017 Those Ma-non sure are passionate about[ST:n ]learning! Quiquat has been asking all sorts[ST:n ]of questions about FrontierNav over near one[ST:n ]of the commercial district's storage areas.
1018 Who left that busted-up trailer just beyond[ST:n ]Armory Alley? Let's at least reclaim the stuff[ST:n ]inside that thing so it can be moved later!
1019 Hey, you know that Gus guy? I hear he's up[ST:n ]to some real shady business. You ask me,[ST:n ]BLADE would be better off without him[ST:n ]around.
1020 I heard there's a Ma-non repairman in the[ST:n ]lower level of the administrative district. He's [ST:n ]supposed to be really talented, but he doesn't[ST:n ]seem to be enjoying his success much.
1021 I've been hearing Cedric grunting away in the[ST:n ]hangars at night. Has someone asked him[ST:n ]to create another ridiculous invention?
1022 I just met Kirsty, the big cheese for all of[ST:n ]FrontierNav! Sounds like she's aiming for[ST:n ]Oblivia next. I love that passion!
1023 That Kirsty woman is always giving my[ST:n ]husband dangerous assignments! She says she[ST:n ]doesn't have enough staff to survey Noctilum,[ST:n ]but who does she think she's kidding?!
1024 There's a BLADE aspirant at the storage area[ST:n ]behind Division Drive who can't get through[ST:n ]basic training. But she refuses to give up,[ST:n ]and poor Walter is about to lose his mind.
1025 Did you know Giogion and his friend L are[ST:n ]going to make gadgets and sell them in a[ST:n ]shop? I guess they're looking for a location[ST:n ]in Armory Alley right now...
1026 You noticed a Wrothian atop the BLADE[ST:n ]Tower? That would be Gu Ladha, I imagine.[ST:n ]She usually keeps to herself like that.
1027 Muimui at side of BLADE Tower claim to[ST:n ]discover way to get filthy, crazy rich.[ST:n ]What Muimui know? When Muimui know?[ST:n ]MUST LEARN!
1028 I saw Defense Secretary Nagi behind BLADE[ST:n ]Tower, and it looked like he was thinking[ST:n ]hard about something. Working out the[ST:n ]details of our next operation, I guess.
1029 When I went to, er...\"confer\" with Kirsty, she[ST:n ]told me not to even talk to her because she[ST:n ]was far too busy thinking about Sylvalum.[ST:n ]Can you even BELIEVE that?
1030 In the evenings, I often see Doug standing[ST:n ]in the commercial district parking lot,[ST:n ]staring at a car with a big dumb grin.[ST:n ]I think he finally bought himself one...
1031 You can usually find Frye behind the diner at[ST:n ]night, drunk out of his mind. And he's one[ST:n ]of those mean drunks, so don't get close!
1032 Kirsty was in front of the building across from[ST:n ]the maintenance center, searching for that[ST:n ]new crew member. I wonder what she wants[ST:n ]with [ST:Gender p1=him p2=her ]?
1033 I hear there's wreckage from a Ganglion war[ST:n ]machine in the residential district. Apparently[ST:n ]it crashed while trying to land during the[ST:n ]invasion. Want to go check it out?
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1035 I heard Carl grumbling about something over[ST:n ]at the east gate. I wonder if he's having some[ST:n ]sort of trouble with his assignment?
1036 I just saw Julius in front of the maintenance[ST:n ]center talking with that Orphean—Han'barac[ST:n ]or something. Things seemed rather serious,[ST:n ]judging by the look on Julius's face.
1037 I hear Corwin's team is looking for new[ST:n ]members. If you're interested, you should ask[ST:n ]around at the Pathfinders' headquarters.
1038 Friend Lin is buying ingredients in commercial[ST:n ]district again. Lucky Tatsu always get to eat[ST:n ]such wonderlicious foods!
1039 Earlier I saw a BLADE lady who seemed to be[ST:n ]in some sort of trouble? But when I asked her[ST:n ]what was wrong, she screamed and ran[ST:n ]to the east gate. Was it something I said?
1040 Do you know that stuck-up jerk, Tobias? [ST:n ]Lately he seems to be searching for someone.[ST:n ]And whoever that someone is, they have my [ST:n ]deepest sympathies. Ha!
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1043 Satie had an urgent job come up and went[ST:n ]running off to the administrative district.[ST:n ]It ain't easy being a mechanic, I tell you...
1044 Apparently there's a group of wounded[ST:n ]Prone soldiers at the east gate.[ST:n ]And they're from the Cavern Clan![ST:n ]Whatever is going on here?
1045 I hear Zurranik just received a small fortune in[ST:n ]credits from some weird Wrothian. Now he's[ST:n ]up on the Ma-non ship, freaking out about[ST:n ]how many Miralife Cards he can buy.
1046 Sounds like Colonel Elma is visiting the[ST:n ]Ma-non ship to further human-xeno relations.[ST:n ]No surprise, since she was a driving force[ST:n ]behind the treaty in the first place.
1047 Every night, L gathers a bunch of xenos at the[ST:n ]entry passage to the Ma-non ship. Got no[ST:n ]idea why, but I bet it's to try and sell 'em a[ST:n ]few more bottles of snake oil.
1048 Even animals can't seem to get enough of[ST:n ]Hope. I saw a dog playing with her in the[ST:n ]parking lot by the tennis court. It certainly[ST:n ]looked like it was having fun.
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1050 So my BLADE friend? He went to Oblivia.[ST:n ]Some place called the Dorian Caravan,[ST:n ]I think? And he hasn't come back since.[ST:n ]I really hope he's okay...